Dr. Paul Ralph, DC Chiropractor

Thank you all for your loyalty and I look forward to continuing to provide you with the same level of care as I have for the past 25 years.

More Information

Patient Information Form

If you have been a patient, but it has been more than 7 years since you have been in, please print this form, fill it out and bring it with you.

Download Form

By Apointment Only

If there is not a time available or you have further questions text me at (502) 955-1449 and I will respond as soon as I can.

Make Appointment

Location & Parking

The address is 2305 Bardstown Road. It is located behind Electric Ladyland, Bizianes Music Mart and Video Kitchen. Click below for more information.

Location & Parking

Location & Parking Instructions

The address is 2305 Bardstown Road. It is located behind Electric Ladyland, Bizianes Music Mart and Video Kitchen. Parking is available in the gravel lot next to the office (only at one of the 2 the spots marked for my office) or on Dorothy Avenue.

Text me at (502) 955-1449 when you arrive for your appointment and I will let you know when you can come in.

I will no longer be filing insurance. An adjustment is $35. If you would like the roller table or electric muscle stimulation it will be an extra $5.

If you are a Medicare patient and you need acute care or medically necessary care then you will need to see a provider that will file Medicare.

If you are getting regular maintenance treatment (which Medicare does not cover) then I may be able provide that for you.

Thank you all for your loyalty and I look forward to continuing to provide you with the same level of care as I have for the past 25 years. See you soon!